Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wakatobi is a Paradise For Lovers of Snowcling

Did you know that Indonesia has one of the most beautiful underwater paradise of the world? The underwater paradise known as the Wakatobi National Park, located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Wakatobi is the capital of Wangi-Wangi. Wakatobi district consists of four main islands, namely Wangiwangi, Kalidupa, Tomia, and Binongko. So, Wakatobi is an acronym for the name of the four main islands. Prior to December 18, 2003, these islands are called Junior Iron Islands and is still a part of Buton Regency. Astronomically, Wakatobi is located in the south of the equator and such other areas in Indonesia, Wakatobi has two seasons, rainy and dry season. Wakatobi National Park established in 1996, with a total area of ​​1.39 million hectares, involving marine biodiversity and coral which occupies one of the highest priority of marine conservation in Indonesia.

"Wakatobi is the most beautiful dive sites in the world." - Jacques Costeau (A journalist diving world).

The beauty and richness of the Wakatobi National Park area is already well known in foreign countries, especially after the Wallacea expedition from England in 1995 which states that the area in Southeast Sulawesi is very rich in species of coral. There, there are 750 of total 850 species of coral in the world. Configuring the depth varies from flat to sloping to the sea and waters in some areas there is a steep bertubir. Waters reach the deepest part of 1044 meters.

Marine tourism is a tourism activity that has long been recognized and is the mainstay of tourism in the Park Authority. Wealth of marine life is not because coral reefs along the vast waters of the submarine topography of colorful slop like shape, flat, drop-off, atoll and underwater cave.

More than 112 species from 13 families including corals Acropora formosa, A. Hyacinthus, Psammocora profundasafla, Pavona cactus, Leptoseris yabei, Fungia molucensis, Lobophyllia robusta, Merulina ampliata, Platygyra versifora, Euphyllia glabrescens, Tubastraea frondes, Stylophora pistillata, throchelliophorum Sarcophyton, and Sinularia spp living in harmony with other underwater inhabitants.

Fish species richness of this national park which is owned as many as 93 species of fish such as (Cephalopholus argus), takhasang (Naso unicornis), pogo-pogo (Balistoides viridescens), napoleon (Cheilinus undulatus), red fish (Lutjanus biguttatus), rabbitfish (Siganus guttatus) , Amphiprion melanopus, Chaetodon specullum, Chelmon rostratus, Heniochus acuminatus, Lutjanus monostigma, Caesio caerularea, and others.

Wakatobi National Park also hosts a collection of sea birds such as the Swan-Stone Chocolate (Sula leucogaster plotus), Malay plover (Charadrius peronii) and King Prawn Eurasia (Alcedo atthis) nest. Several species of sea turtles also make this park their home such as hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerhead turtle (Caretta Caretta), and cracked turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea).

Wakatobi waters have a loyal guests who make a playground Wakatobi waters, guests were none other than the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus). Normally, sperm whales in Wakatobi in November, while the other hemisphere frozen. In the Wakatobi waters are relatively warmer and abundant feed whales stomach filling. Not only that Wakatobi is also a place to play Manta manta ray (Manta ray) is classified as a giant body size. Manta rays are one type of fish is distinctive and unique, which is only found in tropical waters.

The presence of 25 pieces of coral reef and depth that makes the waters ideal in the Park Authority is an ideal place for various types of marine life to live, making the inhabitants of the sea here has aesthetic value and high conservation.

Specifically, the Park Authority from the beach surrounded by islands and reefs along the 600 km coastal tourism potential to be managed, scattered throughout the Wakatobi region. So it's not without reason that the beach at Wakatobi is very suitable for tourism such as diving, snorkeling, swimming and fishing.

Readmore →Wakatobi is a Paradise For Lovers of Snowcling

The Hidden Beauty Of Raja Ampat Islands Papua

The archipelago is an archipelago located in the western province of Papua Indonesia in the West, precisely at the head of the birds of Papua. The islands are a destination divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery. Four of these islands is the largest island, namely:

* Island Waigeo
* Island Misool
* Island Salawati
* Island Batanta

The archipelago is a place that has the potential to serve as a tourist attraction, especially diving tourism. The archipelago waters according to various sources, is one of the 10 best waters for diving sites around the world. In fact, it may also be recognized as number one for the completeness of underwater flora and fauna at this time.

Dr John Veron, coral experienced experts from Australia, for example, in a site was revealed, The archipelago is located at the westernmost tip of New Guinea, about 50 miles northwest of Sorong, has the best reefs in Indonesia. Approximately 450 species of coral had been identified during the two weeks of research in the area.

A team of experts from Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, and National Institute of Oceanography (LON) Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) had done a quick assessment in 2001 and 2002. The result, they noted in these waters there are more than 540 hard coral species (75% of the total species in the world), more than 1,000 species of reef fish, 700 species of molluscs, and the highest record for gonodactyloid stomatopod crustaceans. This makes 75% of the world's coral species in Raja Ampat. Nowhere in the same area has a number of coral species as much as this.

There are some reefs are still very good condition with the percentage of live coral cover by 90%, which is in Dampier Strait (the strait between Waigeo P. and P. Batanta), Kofiau Islands, Islands and South East Misool Wayag Islands. Types of coral reefs in Raja Ampat is a fringing reef generally to the contours of the steep ramps up. But it also found the type of atoll and the type of burn or taka. In some places like the village Saondarek, when the lowest tides, coral reefs can be seen without the diving and the adaptation itself, the coral is still able to live even in the open air and exposed to direct sunlight.

Unique species that can be found at the diving is some kind of pigmy seahorse or mini kudalaut, wobbegong and manta ray. There are also endemic fish of Raja Ampat, namely Eviota king, which is a kind of fish gobbie. At the supernal point Manta Arborek Dampier Strait, you can dive with Manta Ray was accompanied by a tail like a tame when you dive in Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan. If you dive at Cape Kri or Chicken Reef, you can be surrounded by thousands of fish. Sometimes a collection of tuna, giant trevallies and snappers. But the tense when we are surrounded by a collection of barracuda fish, even though it is relatively harmless (which is dangerous if we see a solitary barracuda or alone). Reef sharks are also frequently seen, and with luck you can also see the turtle is still eating sponge or swim around you. In some places like in Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo also seen Dugong or sea cow.

Because the area of ​​many islands and narrow straits, then most of the dive at a particular time has a strong current. It is also possible to do a drift dive, dive, following a strong flow of water is very clear with her through the collection of fish. There is also a plane wreck of World War II relics can be found in several places to make diving a great place to wreck dive as in P. Wai. And much more real reef sites have never been touched. This makes diving in Raja Ampat was more challenging.

Readmore →The Hidden Beauty Of Raja Ampat Islands Papua

Amazing Dreamland Bali Indonesia

Dreamland is located in the village of Pecatu, Badung regency, which is located on the southern island of Bali. You can reach this beach about 30 minutes from Kuta Beach to the Jimbaran. The beach is still beautiful and natural is located at the southern tip of South Badung. You'll find this beach on the way to the famous temple in Bali is Pura Uluwatu.

Dreamland Beach, Bali, Indonesia
You may be confused as to why this beach called Dreamland? Other beaches in Bali using the local name, while the beach this one uses the English language that is meaningful dreamland dream land.

It turns out there is its origin. That said, this beach called Dreamland because the region had to be built Pecatu one of the largest and most unique tourist hub in Southeast Asia. In addition, there will also be built superluks resort combined with a tourist area that accentuates the natural beauty and authenticity and environmental conservation. Previously this area was barren and arid regions.

At the time of monetary crisis in 1998, the mega project was abandoned. However, because the locals really hope that this project is completed, with the hope they can turn to the tourism business of farming, so they named this place as a land of dreams which in English is called dreamland. Since then the area is called Dreamland.

The beauty of Dreamland Beach
When you enter Dreamland Beach tourist area, your eyes will be mesmerized by the beauty of this beach. Rugged hilly area and make you look as if the lower beach area on the sea. Dreamland is a beach surrounded by cliffs towering and large rocks.

When you go down the rocks and the steps to the beach, you'll be amazed by the views of the cliffs on which there is a green pasture is high enough. Many foreign and local tourists who like to enjoy in the meadow.

Dreamland Beach area is also very alluring eyes. You will be captivated by the expanse of white sand, clean brown with a steep gully. You can enjoy the beautiful sunset or sunset on the narrow coastal area directly beneath the steep rock walls.

Dreamland Sea region also has a high and large waves. Therefore, a lot of surfers like to surf on this beach. Dreamland is also one tourist destination in Bali surfing.

Facilities at Dreamland Beach
You can rent umbrellas are provided along the coast to avoid the hot sun. If you want to swim but do not bring a change of clothes, you can buy in the tourist area of ​​Dreamland. Once down the stairs, a line of clothing merchants will offer you their wares. Also available are several shops that sell food and drinks.

In addition, here are also available toilet facilities if you want to change clothes and shower. But the pricing is quite expensive even for just urinate in this area.

If you want to stay, at the Dreamland area there are dozens of resorts and villas which stood as a supporter of tourism that continues bergeliat at Dreamland Beach. Some resorts and villas stand on the cliff so you can enjoy the beautiful coastal scenery of the cliffs.

According to tour guide there, Dreamland is the only place in Bali that use international law. So that the rules at the beach is more free. Visitors can consume alcohol or women can be topless on the beach without sanction.

Dreamland as the Land of Dreams tour
Brown sand bright white, clean, beautiful high cliffs, blue sea water as well, making many of the tourists to come to the beach that never was sponsored by Tommy Suharto. Although not as famous Kuta Beach, Dreamland or "land of dreams" is expected to create more and more tourists come to this beach. Various tourism facilities became available in the region, from villas, resorts, shopping, mall, to the golf course. Yes, Dreamland beach because of its uniqueness adds another charming beach resort areas on the island of Bali.

You can visit the link following media related to Dreamland beach:
Video Info: Dreamland, Bali, Indonesia

Readmore →Amazing Dreamland Bali Indonesia

Tomohon Market ,That Provides Extreme Menu

Markets hold breath See Animal and Extreme Menu Tomohon
Cooked Paniki Santan, RW Spicy Tastes

While watching Fear Factor, we are sometimes horrified to see the people were told to eat caterpillars, cockroaches, and other extreme foods. Indeed, in this country there are people who are accustomed to eating foods that could be categorized as extreme.

FOR most people, North Sulawesi is often associated with 3B (Manado Porridge, Boulevard, and Bunaken). But, North Sulawesi is also rich in culture and natural beauty.

In fact, if you want to try the unusual, one of the areas in North Sulawesi also offer tours to the extreme. But, do not compare it with a tour of extreme white-water rafting, bungee jumping or rock climbing. There is extreme market precisely, exactly Tomohon Livestock Market, and culinary tours.

Curious? If you're not stuck, Tomohon can be reached within 30-40 minutes from Manado. The road is uphill and winding offers the thrill of adventure. On the way to Tomohon, we can see the Bay of Manado from a height. It was beautiful.

Travelers who intend to Tomohon many chose to stay in Manado. But, if you want to enjoy a night Tomohon, many resort and cottage at the foot of Mount Lokon and Mahawu it.

Which tourists usually stay in Manado travel agents that follow. So, all accommodation and transportation are taken care of the travel agency.

If not join the tour, Tomohon can be reached by bus from Terminal Karombasan, Manado. Rate of Rp 6 thousand per person. The bus will stop at Terminal Faithful Tomohon. From there, we just walk to the Market in the Village of Faith Tomohon Paslaten, Eastern District of Tomohon. Therefore, the terminal and the adjacent markets.

That need to be reminded, perhaps, get ready mentally before entering Tomohon Market. Just to illustrate, many foreign tourists who come to it that ultimately decided not to enter the market. '' They said sorry to see these animals were killed, burned, cut into pieces, and sold for food,'' said Karel Kaunang, one bat seller (usually called Paniki) in Tomohon market.

Bats? That's the uniqueness of Tomohon Market. Sold there is the flesh, which, in most communities in this country, are not commonly consumed. Bat, there called Paniki, only one of them. Market Tomohon pythons are also sold meat, dog (commonly referred to RW), pigs, and even monkeys. Wow!

Horror? Actually, there are two markets that sell meat every day is an unusual animal in North Sulawesi. Namely, Markets and Market Langowan Tomohon Faithful. However, the market is frequented by tourists Tomohon Faith.

There, the carcasses are usually presented as the main menu at any celebration. For example, birthday celebrations, wedding, or housewarming. City Government (City Government) Tomohon was always serve food that each held a celebration extremes. Jefferson Mayor Tomohon Soleman Montesque Rumajar cuisine was hooked.

Cook it? Paniki, rats and pythons usually cooked with coconut milk. While RW is generally cooked spicy. '' Usually, a dog needs one liter chilies (red pepper, Red). It would add a shot of strong if watered rat cap,'' said Artur Rotinsulu, Tomohon people who claim to prepare a special budget to serve the menus extremes. Cap rats she calls it is a typical liquor made from sugar palm Manado.

Special pork, a lot of options how to cook. For example, burned (satey ragey), cooked in bamboo (tinorangsak, pangi), or cooked greedy (with soy sauce and palm sugar). In fact, sometimes roasting a pig at a time (pork roll) with butter and sprinkled with his stomach filled with vegetables.

Meat bats, rats, RW, and pythons should be burned first before cooking. Also burn up to burn to make sure the meat is really cooked. After that, the meat is cut into pieces to be cooked. "If a bat meat should be boiled again for about two hours," said Vera Ruus, a home cook Kakaskasen Village.

Of visitors who want to taste the menu does not need to be extreme in the market to buy meat Tomohon, then cook it yourself. In Tomohon, Manado, and other areas in North Sulawesi there are restaurants that sell the extremes. Call, for example, RM Megfra, Heng-Mien, Tinoor Jaya, Nathan, Landscape, Immanuel Ragey, and Kawangkoan Ragey.

Restaurant that serves extreme generally stood along the road-Tomohon Manado. Tourists can taste while enjoying the view from a height of Manado City.

Who want to sample the menu is recommended to come over to eat before going on a trip to Tomohon. Because, if you already saw the flesh of animals were in the market, so terrified tourists feared to eat

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Losari Great Beach In Makasar

Losari beach is a beach located to the west of the city of Makassar. The beach is a place for the citizens of Makassar to spend time in the morning, afternoon and evening enjoying the scenery is very beautiful sunset. In the past, this beach is known as the center of seafood and grilled fish at night (because the sellers and traders operate only at night), and is touted as the world's longest stall (since stalls lined up along the beach tent of less over one kilometer).
One of the typical snacks surveyed in Makassar that the tent stalls are bananas EPE (raw banana is burned, then made flat, and brown sugar mixed with water.
pic wikipedia indonesia

 Best when eaten while still warm). Currently tent stalls selling seafood that has been moved to a spot in front of the home office of Mayor of Makassar is also still around Losari. In the afternoon, everyone can enjoy the process or the moments of the sinking sun sunset.
Readmore →Losari Great Beach In Makasar

The Gili Island Island In Lombok Indonesia

Indonesia has many attractions besides the famous Balinese exquisite beaches are also no less interesting dyke.
gili island
pic gili-paradise.com
Just a short 2 hour boat trip from Bali, on the northwest corner of Lombok, the Gili islands are three idyllic atolls where the beaches are still powdery white, the water a beautifull clear blue, with sunsets over Bali’s Mt Agung and sunrise over Lombok’s Mt Rinjani.

Home to the largest Irish bar on the smallest island in the world, a real Japanese sushi restaurant, 2 turtle hatcheries, 20 world class dive sites like Manta Point and empty white sandy beaches, Lombok’s Gili islands are becoming increasingly more popular.

pic gili-paradise.com

pic gili-paradise.com

pic gili-paradise.com

Gili Air
Some would say the original backpacker Gili destination , even now still relatively untouched, a few new bar shacks have appeared on the beach, with accommodation slowly catching up with the other islands.

Gili Meno
The island lies directly in line in the middle of the other Gilis of Trawangan and Air, both only separated by 1 Km or so of water, it is by far the quietest most undeveloped natural island of the 3 islands. The only Gili island with a salt water lake, a bird park with a Beatles memorabilia bar, with some cool places to stay like Shack 58

Gili Trawangan
The largest of the Gilis and now by far the most popular to visit, accommodation choices start from backpacker and budget hotels, an increasing selection of mid range hotels, two resort style hotels and some luxury villas.
Many new international restaurants offering everything from Pizza, to Indian food and Spanish Tapas, and of course a definate must is the seafood BBQ’s all along the beach front.
if you are interested in visiting exotic island gili island lombok do not forget to stop by when you come to Bali unforgettable experience when you visit the island this dyke have a nice day

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